Friday, October 13, 2023

4 years have passed!

 Here is Flatuleitor, or Futureal, or whatever. For now, I'm just Darío. That's what I was called anyways. 

I was reading some of the posts I have written here and it's funny how different thing change, for better or worse. Of course, if I have the time to reflect back to my past it's because I have some free time in the present.

In 2019 I was this close to go back to end it. I was living with my girlfriend and things were not getting easier by the day. You know, living in an island is no joke, DEFINITELY NOT KOKOMO. Things were very complicated but after some months of struggle we could adjust to this new reality. Then, COVID happened.

It's funny and I genuinely laugh now but that year was something without any precedent. I was alone in that island for the most part of 2020 trying to be kept sane, with no satisfactory results. To make a long story short, I moved from Porvenir to Punta Arenas in late 2021.

So now I moved to a new house with my girlfriend and things got real. Real adulthood. 

In one of those moments of extreme sadness and desperation I remembered. I remembered about that God.

That God.

That God that I so often mocked and rejected for so many years.

That God that gave me the gift of music and I didn't put to His service.

And I called on Him. 

And He showed up. In early 2023.

He definitely did.

Maybe in the future I could go into more details, but the important part is that without any hesitation I can say that I found Jesus and He found me. 

He changed my heart - so I could live right,

Changed my mind - so I could think right,

Changed my mouth - so I could talk right,

Changed my feet - so I could walk right,

I kept on searchin' till I found the King of Kings.

I was so happy that I immediately started Ableton and recorded an arrangement of a hymn I used to sing in my childhood. The song is called in Spanish "Jesús es mi rey soberano" or "Jesus is my sovereign king" and after some months I uploaded it.

He is and always be the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

He gave me peace, made me whole, gave me a beautiful life and I will always be grateful.

That's it. I'm out. See you all in 3 years.

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