Sunday, February 2, 2014

Why a Blog and not a YouTube Channel?

I've always loved Blogger. Since I was in highschool I had some little blogs talking about toddler shit, you know...

"Dear blog, today I had morning wood and my sister fucking saw it. Awkward." 
"Dear blog, today at school I caught my Math teacher giving me a nasty look so I asked permission to go to the bathroom"
"Dear blog, the eggs are starting to burst. And it's green this time" (Well, the last one never happened. Can you imagine? Seriously, imagine that).

I deleted all that shit. Even though I remember doing a backup of all that nonsense, if I can only remember where I put that...

Anyway, I watch a lot of YouTube videos, about many topics. Game plays (African american voices and mannerisms are the best. I don't want to say nigga slang), some Jazz channels, Bass-guitar-related,  Music (duh?), comedy (Tim fucking Minchin, Louis CK, Tangalanga, among others) and more lately Atheist channels.

I find the YouTube way to express yourself ("broadcast yourself" anybody?) quite direct and let's say "updated". In contrast Blogger it's sort of abandoned today.
Why? Simple. People don't like to read anymore. 
It's easier to watch a 3 minutes video with a straight forward message than reading a big ass testament and rescue 2 ideas from it.

If you read "youtube" with Spanish pronunciation, it can be heard as "I had"
So why make a blog if you know beforehand that the people ratio will be much lesser? Exactly because of my last statement, the people who actually read/follow/make/share blogs are those who love reading. I don't want to be too pragmatic but that's the only reason I can come up to.
Wait, the other reason is that given that I know the English language, my pronunciation is kind of floppy (even though I passed the FCE test in 2012) and I like my ideas to get inside the receiver without hesitations, stutters, etc.
If by any chance you have something to add/discuss/refute the comment section is always open. I like discussions.

That's it. Flatuleitor out.

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