Saturday, December 29, 2018

2 years. Really??

I'm afraid so. I don't even know how I ended up here. I don't even remember the last point or the last entry for this blog.

I have been very very busy lately. At least in 2017.

At the end of 2016 and after been in several bands playing FUCKING SOFT ROCK I ultimately decided to write some songs again and start a new project. Yeah, the project was soft rock with more "aggressive" undertones. It was called NOVIEMBRE X.

I know it is a crappy logo

After 2 months of being enclosed in my bedroom, I came up with 5 songs that I taught a friend who decided to join me. After that, I found a vocalist (girl, female vocalist you know?). She was from Venezuela. Her voice was fine but after a few months I decided to find another vocalist.
I found her at work. We had a lot of fun rehearsing the songs.
After some weeks I decided to record an EP and to do so I needed a drummer. So I put an advertisement on the internet and a very skilled and proficient drummer came along. With that lineup we decided to enter a studio to record.

From L to R: Yours truly, Mane, Tael
We recorded everything ourselves with a little help from the studio's house engineer. Here you can watch part of the process:

Well. After the recording was done, I was very hopeful to "make it". But the lack of market in my dear country made further promotion impossible without big bags of cash.
I decided to move on. FUCK.

So I'm here 1 year later of all that.

1 year has passed and I haven't done anything considerable.

My mind is really confused now. I try to make something but it sounds repetitive.

I try to break to new styles but then I found out they're not my thing. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON.

I don't even have time to pick up my guitar anymore. I have tried to make instrumentals made of electronical artifacts. But nothing.

Probably the inspiration will come back. But then I think: what's the use?

In the meantime I have things to show for. That's my consolation.

Gotta catch 'em all!

There's an old song from an old cartoon show that says something like:

"I wanna be the very best,
Like no one ever was..."

The guy had a goal, clearly.