It's been a while. But why not posting for more than a year? Clear simple.
I forgot it.
Now, what happened to that project I was talking about last year? During September and November I got some time to be free to record the album from scratch while adding ideas from previous outtakes. Unfortunately those outtakes where unsuitable for extreme technical metal. Even when they were more honest, they couldn't make the cut and were left safe in the oblivion ship.
Well, the recording process was flawless, I did know what to do and I wanted to do it quick. Now, the solos were a total different story. The thing is, that most of the songs I wrote were from 1+ years ago when I had a very different mindset (play speed-light fast as complex as possible) so, at the time of laying down the solos I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK TO DO. I tried a lot of things and a lot of approaches but the background was so chaotic that no matter what I tried, the music was going to be nothing but messy, chunky monsters. After dealing with them for several weeks, I decided to improvise it all, record it and pick the best bits and improve them extending the melodies (I always do this, this time I left more room for improvisation).
After that, the vocals. Since this project started a year ago I didn't quite know what "voice" to use. Some good friend of mine recommended me to listen to all the Overlord albums and infer the kind of voice that would be the logic progression from them. So after I tried different ones, I stayed with the low register mixed with the high ones. I followed the same protocol I always used (I even recorded with the same microphone I used in "Tolerance Collapse").
About the lyrics? I tried to be as percussive as I could to inject even more dynamics to the music. I ended up using my voice as another instrument using a lot of consonants for the mid parts.
And I didn't even bother too much about the artwork. The idea was simplistic. Minimalist.
Blast from the future? |
And the day came, it was last week or so.
And here I am.
So what about Overlord? It's over. There was a time when I wanted to project this project but not anymore. My tastes changed for better. Honestly I can't see myself playing Thrash again in the near future. but there's one more reason.
I feel like musically I did enough for Thrash Metal. I STARED AT THE LIMITS OF THE GENRE.
So why not playing Death Metal, the logical next step? Because for the most part is tasteless, spiceless, deathly-sounding (could that be the reason of the name of the genre?), it doesn't have the "party" vibe I love. And I'm all about life and creation.
At the moment for me Thrash is a dead-end. That's why it went to shit in the 90's, came back in the 2000's and it's sort of gone again. You can't be partying and philosophying at the same time (at least not in the literal, most-associated sense) it gets weird and preachy. And we all know a party can't last forever, there's a time where everybody falls asleep, wake up again and come back.
I still listen to a lot of extreme music, even when not as much as before, but I still do it sometimes. It is actually true that thing about thrash; it's until death.
Flatuleitor out.